Supporting At-Risk Youth: A Project for Latin America

March 10-15, 2018
About the Project:
This project will focus on efforts within the U.S., which support educational, social, and employment opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged youth. Project participants will exchange best practices on how to aid at-risk youth in avoiding crime, violence, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and sub-standard academic performance. Participants will explore a variety of governmental and private sector educational, social, and recreational initiatives and programs for youth that also reduce crime. They will learn about prevention-focused approaches, family support initiatives, sports and after-school activities, truancy and dropout prevention projects, job training, and programs to counter gang activity. Participants will also explore the efforts of schools, community-based organizations, and faith-based groups as well as programs supported by local, state, and national government entities.
Project Context:
The proportion of young people (aged 15-24) populating Latin America is the highest it has ever been at a percentage of 20% relative to the total population, according to UNICEF. In Latin America, nearly six million children and adolescents suffer severe abuse or abandonment each year. Up to 25-32% of 12-24 year-olds are suffering the consequences of at least one of what the World Bank defines as “risky behaviors”; including unplanned pregnancy, drug addiction, being unemployed, or having a criminal record.
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