Pakistan - Expanding the Democratic Space for Media Freedom

Date March 16-19, 2022
This was GlobalJax's first in-person project since the COVID-19 pandemic. We were delighted to welcome a delegation of media experts and journalists from Pakistan to our Northeast Florida community. They visited for a total of 3 nights, and while here were able to have professional meetings with Mr. Nate Monroe of the Florida Times Union, Ms. Carla Miller, formerly of the Jacksonville Ethics Office, Mr. Andrew Pantazi, of The Tributary NE FL News Collective, and Mr. Vic Micolucci of WJXT.
There were also multiple opportunities for cultural events and activities, as the group visited the home of Steve and Lane Manis for home hospitality, and spent time at the Islamic Center of NE FL, the Istanbul Cultural Center, and the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. The delegation was also able to spend time on Saturday afternoon in St. Augustine for lunch and a quick tour around the historic city center.