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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"
- Margaret mead
Maria Condaxis founded GlobalJax as the International Resource Center of Jacksonville in 1990. Her vision was to highlight our international community and to provide a center for international resources.
In 2001, our nationwide network of non-for profit exchange providers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Senator Arlen Specter.
Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the name changed to the International Visitor Corps of Jacksonville to reflect its core activity at the time: promoting multicultural awareness by hosting international visitors through the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program.
In 2008, leadership from the International Visitor Corps and Jacksonville's other prominent international resources - Cornerstone Regional Development Partnership, Holland & Knight, Jacksonville International Business Coalition, Jacksonville Port Authority, Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce, Jacksonville Sister Cities Association, Jacksonville University, University of North Florida, and World Affairs Council of Jacksonville - formed an alliance to help Jacksonville reach its potential as an international city. As a part of their initiative, the alliance created a website showcasing Jacksonville's international resources and events.
In 2011, after 20 years of building global connections, the International Visitor Corps assumed the name GlobalJax and took the lead to further the alliance's mission. GlobalJax continues to be an advocate for international cooperation through its prestigious exchange programs and efforts to showcase the international community of Northeast Florida. Since it's founding, more than 2,600 established and emerging leaders have visited Northeast Florida from more than 180 countries.
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