Middle East and North Africa: Promoting Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Freedom

GlobalJax is hosting a delegation of community leaders and professionals from Middle East and North Africa to encourage interfaith and non-religious dialogue to increase tolerance. The program will highlight conflict resolution and peacebuilding among different religions and safeguarding rights from the influence of religion. Delegates will meet with local organizations such as the City of Jacksonville Human Rights Commission to discuss anti-discrimination law, members of the Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation, and Empowerment to review partnerships between faith-based organizations, law enforcement and elected officials, and OneJax to discuss interfaith political advocacy.
The threats to religious communities are alarming in the Middle East and North Africa. The absence of religious freedom and government protections have led to genocide of religious minorities and massive displacement across the region. Freedom of religion and belief is under attack from armed groups and governments alike. Armed groups targeted religious minorities in several countries. Islamic State (IS) and other armed groups have killed and injured civilians across Middle East and North Africa in religious shrines and Shi’a neighborhoods. In addition to armed groups, governments also persecute religious minorities and religious movements limiting their right to religious expression. To secure lasting peace at the regional or local level, religious freedom is critical, making this exchange more important than ever.
The trainings and discussions held in Jacksonville will help the delegates learn and share new ideas to address community issues and further their work of encouraging inclusive and tolerant dialogue and action in their communities. The exchange will also help our local leaders to gain a fresh perspectives and improve their work here at home.
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The work we do has never been more important — whether it’s because of ongoing conflict or news that tells just part of the story - now more than ever, we need connection, conversation, and global perspective. Click here to learn more or to support GlobalJax's efforts to create a more globally connected, informed and vibrant region.